Tips On How To Effectively Benefit From Using A Cross Trainer

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Tips on How to Effectively Benefit From Using a Cross Trainer by Nathan CrowleyDesigned to give you a great cardio workout, a cross trainer is a go-to machine that can help boost strength and improve muscle tone. It targets the body’s major muscle groups including the abdominals, calves, thighs, back, shoulders, arms and the butt. Compared to running, it is easier on the joints while providing high intensity workout.Speeds Up Weight LossMany people have used a cross trainer to accelerate the loss of fat. According to research, many individuals prefer this piece of equipment over other alternative machines like exercise bikes and stair climbers. It has an effectiveness similar to a treadmill when it comes to burning calories but it feels easier to use. Various factors affect the number of calories burned while working out such as your current fitness level, age and gender.Protects the JointsAside from weight loss, a cross trainer also protects the joints because it is impact-free. Unlike working out on a treadmill, a cross trainer is a great alternative for individuals who experience pain in the joints because the pressure applied is significantly reduced.Works Out the Entire BodyA cross trainer increases the number of burned calories because it offers a full body workout. It effectively works out the arms, chest and shoulders just by holding onto the handles. The machine can also be adjusted to help tone the abdominal muscles . The core muscles can be engaged just by letting go of the handles. The little changes in the machine’s use can also focus on various muscle groups. The condition of the thighs can improve significantly through regular use.Offers Diverse Workout IntensitiesThe use of a cross trainer allows you to mimic activities such as a stair climb, a run or a brisk walk. The type of workout can be changed just by adjusting the machine’s speed as well as resistance. Introducing high intensity interval training is great for those who are trying to improve their fitness. This is made up of high intensity bursts and low intensity periods.Offers a Safer WorkoutSome gym equipment can be very hard to use and people sometimes get hurt or injured. Cross trainers are rarely tied to injuries unlike treadmills where people may fall off. Additional BenefitsA cross trainer is the ideal supplementary or alternative exercise to boost all round strength. It should be a top choice when planning to workout at home instead of going to the gym.Where to BuyAvailable at Mytopia, the HPF XTR3 5-in-1 machine is definitely the best cross trainer found online. I like its rustproof steel frame, pole grips covered by rubber and adjustable seat height. Although it provides a total body workout, it is low impact on the joints and burns more calories than engaging in other activities like swimming or cycling. So if you are looking to buy an affordable but very efficient cross trainer in Sydney or other places in Australia, this might just be what you are searching for.Cross Trainers, HPF Cross TrainersArticle Source: