Obtaining An Sr22 From Your Car Insurance In Mundelein Il

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byAlma Abell
Shopping for car insurance is depressing. Rates on the rise, even more so if you’re dealing with a high risk driving record. If the state has requested an SR22, your may think you options are limited and be tempted to purchase the first auto policy you come across. However, a dependable company specializing in Car Insurance in Mundelein IL can make sure you are meeting all of your legal obligations at a competitive rate.
First, an SR22 is not an actual insurance policy. An SR22 is a form filed by your insurance company directly to the Secretary of State. This form proves that you are maintaining the state mandated amount of auto insurance liability coverage on your auto insurance policy. In the state of Illinois, the minimum coverage is at least $20,000 for one person injured or killed, $40,000 for two-plus persons injured or killed, and $15,000 for property damage.
Car Insurance service in Mundelein IL is a highly competitive is required, an experienced agent like Alamo Insurance and Financial Service can obtain quotes from a number of companies to ensure you are receiving the best rate available. The benefit of an agent is that they are able to work with you to find a policy from a vast number of companies that fits your personal needs and budget.
If you have been convicted of driving without insurance, driving on a suspended or expired license, or reckless driving, the state will require you to submit an SR22. When you choose to work with Alamo, the insurance agent will instantly and electronically file your SR22 form with the Secretary of State as soon as payment is made. You can choose and affordable policy that meets all your legal obligations and have the proper paperwork filed with the state in just one phone call.
Shopping for Car Insurance in Mundelein IL should not be a stressful situation. You are doing all you can to meet the state mandated requirements for your auto insurance, let an experienced agent worrying about finding a policy that offers the best rate available in today’s highly competitive market.
For more details visit http://www.yellowbook.com/profile/alamo-insurance_1505738647.html