A Healthy Detox Diet Recipe

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Submitted by: Denise Duncan
Detoxification is a way of cleansing your system from harmful toxins and substances that have accumulated in your body. Most people do not realize that there is a problem with built-up toxins. Since you are looking for a detox diet recipe, you may already well understand that the food we eat every single day actually do contribute to the toxins in our body.
A detox diet can help relieve your system from these synthetic chemicals and free radicals. If left unattended they can have harmful effects in our body. With the detox diet you’ll also be able to enjoy delicious foods, foods that do no harm to you. If you are motivated enough and follow the detox program you ll find that these detox diet recipes will even help put your eating habits on the right track for the rest of your life.
A good detox recipe to try is called “Creamless Spinach Soup Recipe.” It is a delicious and healthy detox diet recipe that will indeed complement your detox diet. You can eat it as a regular meal or as a snack. Spinach is a good source of iron, calcium, and other vitamins, as well as high in fiber, which is exactly what your body needs for detoxification.
You will need the following ingredients:
2 tablespoon of extra virgin oil (olive or coconut)
1 teaspoon garlic chopped
1 cup medium diced onion
1 cup medium diced carrots
1 cup medium diced celery
1 cup medium diced leek
6 cups water
2 bay leaves
Spring of thyme
2 pounds of chopped spinach.
First you saute the garlic for about 2 minutes in your choice of virgin oil. Continue to saut while adding the onion, celery, leeks, and carrots. Cook until onions are done. You’ll know when the onions are cooked because they turn translucent. Then pour in the water and add bay leaves and thyme. Once everything has come to a boil then simmer for an hour. Remove from fire and set to cool for about an hour. After mixture has cooled you remove the bay leaves and thyme.
Next, you puree the vegetables and the cooled broth in a blender. Pour this mixture back into the pot and add spinach. Then cook over medium heat until the spinach wilts. Then you remove it at once so that you don’t overcook the spinach. Overcooking vegetables diminishes the vitamins and minerals in them. To have adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals in our body we should eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. Different kinds of fruits and vegetables have a different vitamin and mineral content, and so as not to miss out on several important nutrients we should more fruits and vegetables.
If you feel deprived of the junk foods while on your detox diet then try preparing different kinds of vegetables recipes each day. A variety of tastes can help with those cravings and be satisfying so you stay away from the junk food. If optimum health is your goal then detoxification can work for you.
About the Author: Denise Duncan is an author and editor for a number of health related websites. For more information on weightloss and body detox go to
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