March 10, 2018

BDSM as business: An interview with the owners of a dungeon

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 2:23 am

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Torture proliferates American headlines today: whether its use is defensible in certain contexts and the morality of the practice. Wikinews reporter David Shankbone was curious about torture in American popular culture. This is the first of a two part series examining the BDSM business. This interview focuses on the owners of a dungeon, what they charge, what the clients are like and how they handle their needs.

When Shankbone rings the bell of “HC & Co.” he has no idea what to expect. A BDSM (Bondage Discipline Sadism Masochism) dungeon is a legal enterprise in New York City, and there are more than a few businesses that cater to a clientèle that wants an enema, a spanking, to be dressed like a baby or to wear women’s clothing. Shankbone went to find out what these businesses are like, who runs them, who works at them, and who frequents them. He spent three hours one night in what is considered one of the more upscale establishments in Manhattan, Rebecca’s Hidden Chamber, where according to The Village Voice, “you can take your girlfriend or wife, and have them treated with respect—unless they hope to be treated with something other than respect!”

When Shankbone arrived on the sixth floor of a midtown office building, the elevator opened up to a hallway where a smiling Rebecca greeted him. She is a beautiful forty-ish Long Island mother of three who is dressed in smart black pants and a black turtleneck that reaches up to her blond-streaked hair pulled back in a bushy ponytail. “Are you David Shankbone? We’re so excited to meet you!” she says, and leads him down the hall to a living room area with a sofa, a television playing an action-thriller, an open supply cabinet stocked with enema kits, and her husband Bill sitting at the computer trying to find where the re-release of Blade Runner is playing at the local theater. “I don’t like that movie,” says Rebecca.

Perhaps the most poignant moment came at the end of the night when Shankbone was waiting to be escorted out (to avoid running into a client). Rebecca came into the room and sat on the sofa. “You know, a lot of people out there would like to see me burn for what I do,” she says. Rebecca is a woman who has faced challenges in her life, and dealt with them the best she could given her circumstances. She sees herself as providing a service to people who have needs, no matter how debauched the outside world deems them. They sat talking mutual challenges they have faced and politics (she’s supporting Hillary); Rebecca reflected upon the irony that many of the people who supported the torture at Abu Ghraib would want her closed down. It was in this conversation that Shankbone saw that humanity can be found anywhere, including in places that appear on the surface to cater to the inhumanity some people in our society feel towards themselves, or others.

“The best way to describe it,” says Bill, “is if you had a kink, and you had a wife and you had two kids, and every time you had sex with your wife it just didn’t hit the nail on the head. What would you do about it? How would you handle it? You might go through life feeling unfulfilled. Or you might say, ‘No, my kink is I really need to dress in women’s clothing.’ We’re that outlet. We’re not the evil devil out here, plucking people off the street, keeping them chained up for days on end.”

Below is David Shankbone’s interview with Bill & Rebecca, owners of Rebecca’s Hidden Chamber, a BDSM dungeon.


  • 1 Meet Bill & Rebecca, owners of a BDSM dungeon
    • 1.1 Their home life
  • 2 Operating the business
    • 2.1 The costs
    • 2.2 Hiring employees
    • 2.3 The prices
  • 3 The clients
    • 3.1 What happens when a client walks through the door
    • 3.2 Motivations of the clients
    • 3.3 Typical requests
    • 3.4 What is not typical
  • 4 The environment
    • 4.1 Is an S&M dungeon dangerous?
    • 4.2 On S&M burnout
  • 5 Criticism of BDSM
  • 6 Related news
  • 7 External links
  • 8 Sources

Wikinews interviews U.S. Libertarian presidential candidate Wayne Allyn Root

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 2:07 am

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wikinews held an exclusive interview with Wayne Allyn Root, one of the candidates for the Libertarian Party nomination for the 2008 U.S. presidential election.

Root is the founder and chairman of Winning Edge International Inc., a sports handicapping company based in Las Vegas, Nevada. In addition, he is an author and a television producer, as well as an on-screen personality both as host and guest on several talk shows.

Root, a long-time Republican, declared his candidacy for the Libertarian Party on May 4, 2007.

He says he is concerned about the qualities of many who run for president, and fears that they do not know the needs of American citizens. He also says that they cater to big businesses instead of small ones.

He has goals of limiting the federal government and believes that the US went into Iraq for wrong reasons. A strong supporter of the War on Terror, he feels that it was mishandled. He has conservative values and came from a blue collar family in New York. He graduated from Columbia University with fellow presidential hopeful Barack Obama in 1983.

Root believes that America is in trouble and hopes to change that if elected.

March 9, 2018

Space Shuttle Discovery landing cancelled for today/Brief

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 3:04 am

NASA has cancelled today’s planned landing of the Space Shuttle Discovery. Officials initially delayed the landing, but finally cancelled any attempts for today citing the reason as being “unstable, unacceptable cloud cover [with the] potential for showers in vicinity of landing site.” There will be two more opportunities tomorrow morning.

March 8, 2018

Scientists say study proves chimps create termite gathering tools

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 3:11 am

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Researchers say that a study of chimpanzees in the Republic of the Congo in Africa, show that they specifically create and design tools to catch termites living underground. The study was performed in the Nouabale-Ndoki National Park in the Congo in an area known as the Goualougo Triangle. The study was published in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters.

Dr. Crickette Sanz, the leader of the team who filmed the chimps crafting “fishing rod” type tools, says that they have “invented” ways of “improving their termite-fishing technique” by using a stick from a plant called the Marantaceae. They pick off the leaves and then create and place a brush like object on the end. Doing so improved the number of termites they catch, by more than 10 times.

“They then pulled the herb stems through their teeth, which were partially closed, to make the brush and they also attended to the brush by sometimes pulling apart the fibres to make them better at gathering the termites,” stated Sanz to the BBC.

Researchers are aware that chimps have used similar methods in the past, but it was not fully known if the tools they used were designed specifically for the task of gathering the insects. Of all the tools the chimps left behind and recovered by Sanz’s team, 80% were custom made by their owners. Sanz says the new study has determined that their methods have since evolved, proving previous hypotheses.

“Our results indicate that chimpanzees have a mental template of the tool form, which is employed in crafting the tool prior to use and refining it during use,” Sanz said.

Sanz also says that because of Africa’s vastness, much of it is still unstudied leaving him to suggest other species of chimps and apes use complex tools to gather food.

“Just as we are learning about these exciting new complex tool behaviours, the chimps that are showing us these behaviours are under danger from logging, poaching and Ebola,” added Sanz. The triangle is a host to a variety of endangered or threatened animals including gorillas and elephants.

Wet Strength Resins—Not All Are Created Equal

Filed under: Manufacturing — @ 2:55 am


From paper towels, tissues and filter papers to wallpapers, packing papers and corrugated boxes, many paper products can only fulfill their expected functions satisfactorily if they demonstrate adequate wet strength. What is a wet strength? The ability of paper to maintain a pre-determined strength—up to 50% of the dry paper strength, depending upon the application—after being saturated with a water solution is termed “wet strength.”

Wet strength is especially important to the adequate performance of paper bags and containerboard products that are expected to transport foods or beverages which will cause the packaging to get wet due to the moisture content of the food itself, changes in temperature that induce melting and condensation, or environmental exposure to moisture. Minimizing the risk of packaging failure is critical to maintain product integrity throughout the handling timeline and to avoid risk to ultimate customer satisfaction.

Development of Wet Strength Resins


Originally, wet strength enhancement was accomplished by adding resorcinol-formaldehyde products to the starch used in the papermaking process, but these additives were difficult to prepare and had other negative implications. Requiring acid pH conditions and the presence of alum in the papermaking process, formaldehyde-based resins, however, are still widely used for applications where extremely high wet strength is required.

Over the years, technology involving the use of resins to provide wet strength to paper goods has become more sensitive to reliability and production-time concerns. Currently, ketone formaldehyde are used to deliver wet strength and to mitigate the problems associated with the high temperatures at which the starch would gel as well as unstable viscosity issues. These wet strength resins are known as “thermosetting,” which means they mix with the starch and harden (gel) with the application of heat.

Watch Those Ratios!

The efficacy of wet strength resins varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and is a function of several content-related ratios.Percent of solids content—Low solid content yields poor performing adhesive, a problem that cannot be overcome simply by adding more resin to the adhesive.

* Percent of free formaldehyde present—Some formaldehyde reduction efforts may increase attraction to water, defeating the purpose of the wet strength resin technology.

* Length of time to gelatinize—Resins should facilitate a finite, short gel time to maximize water resistance.

* Resin reactivity with starch—Good chemical reactivity enhances the production process

* The take-away reminder here is that cheaper is not always better!

For a manufacturer of highly effective and widely used wet strength resins, visit A well-established, multinational expert in the corrugated and packaging industry, Rapid Bond delivers knowledgeable, professional client care and only the best in systems, equipment and chemicals for all of your packaging needs.

Bathurst War Memorial vandalised before ANZAC service

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 2:44 am

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The carillion war memorial in Bathurst in Central Western NSW was vandalised just hours before a dawn ANZAC day service. Police allege that five teenage girls aged 15 and 16 were involved.

Diggers‘ who had been looking forward to the dawn service said they were bought to tears after they learned that statements saying “ANZAC murderers” and “Aussies don’t fight” were painted on the war memorial.

Police say they were called to the memorial after reports that a group of vandals had covered the shrine with offensive graffiti. Sergent Andrew Holand from Bathurst police said “Police arrived a short time later and observed that they had painted approximately one metre high, [beige coloured] slogans all the way around the exteriors of the war memorial using words such as “ANZAC murderers” and “Aussies don’t fight” along with peace symbols”.

“They’ve then taken the remnants of the four-litre paint cans and splashed these on the doors and external steps of the war memorial,” he said.

When police located the group of five teenagers some were still covered in paint. All were taken to Bathurst Police Station where the 16 year-old girl was charged with maliciously damaging a shrine or war memorial and malicious damage to police property. It is alleged after she was arrested she damaged a police cell.

The four other girls involved, all aged 15 will be cautioned under the state’s Youth Offenders Act.

Jim McFerran from the Bathurst Returned and Services League of Australia (RSL) said he was humbled by efforts to clean up the graffiti. He said an effort involving RSL members, local army personnel, council workers, volunteer firefighters and a group of young men on their way home after a night out.

“We had about a dozen young fellas that were going home from the pub, they sort of stopped and said: ‘What’s going on here?’,” said Mr McFerran.

“When they got told, they sort of walked over, bloody downed their things, grabbed … pads and rags and starting getting in there with the rest of us.”

NSW Premier Morris Iemma condemned the vandalism, saying “They need a history lesson and a good kick up the backside as well.”

Animal rights activists demand British coffee chain withdraw advertising campaign

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 2:33 am

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Animal rights activists have demanded that the largest coffee chain in the United Kingdom pull a new advertising campaign because they fear that it will encourage viewers to buy monkeys as pets. The demands are likely to irritate Costa Coffee, who are determined to turn over a larger profit that their arch-rival, Starbucks. Five animal welfare groups have demanded that the advert, which features a futuristic room full of monkeys attempting to use coffee machines, be withdrawn.

In a letter to the Rainforest Alliance, the charities say that “the use of wild animals in this way is contrary to your stance on conservation and, in particular, on rainforest species”. They urged the Alliance to revoke their endorsement of Costa products unless the adverts were withdrawn. The groups also wrote to the coffee chain, saying that they hoped that Costa — which has over 1,000 outlets in the UK — would “think it appropriate to cease using primates in future productions, and make the decision to withdraw the current advert”.

The pressure on the coffee giant has led to fears that the company’s relationship with the Rainforest Alliance—which “works to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior”—may be under threat, since animal welfare groups have complained the new advert is in breach of the Alliance’s code of conduct. The television advertisement depicts a number of monkeys being unable to use coffee machines, before a Costa barista hand-makes a cup of coffee. The advert, which features a voiceover by actor Bill Nighy, aired for the first time on Friday. Within hours, animal rights campaigners had demanded it be withdrawn. Manufacturers of products endorsed by the Rainforest Alliance must prove they “are demonstrating [their demand for] goods grown and harvested with respect for people, wildlife and the environment”.

A spokeswoman for Wild Futures, which runs a sanctuary for victims of the primate pet trade, said that she felt that, because they had been forced to appear in the advert, the welfare of the monkeys had been “severely compromised.” She said: “With the release of this new advert, we feel the need to reiterate our long-held concerns on the use of wild animals in entertainment. While they are used in this way their welfare is severely compromised, and it has a knock-on effect in the trade in primates as pets.”

According to The Observer, “the relationship between the appearance of exotic animals in the media and a corresponding increase in demand for them as pets is well documented.” The demand to own clownfish as pets reportedly rocketed following the release of Disney Pixar’s Finding Nemo, which featured one of the orange and white vertebrates as its main character.

Do you think that Costa Coffee should be forced to pull its campaign? Should animals be used for entertainment at all?
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The Alliance refused to comment specifically on the Costa advertising campaign, but said in a statement that it “objects to the use of captive wild animals in commercial advertising where a company is seeking to highlight or promote its relationship with the Rainforest Alliance or its use of Rainforest Alliance certified commodities”. Wild Futures and other charities have, in the past, forced companies to withdraw campaigns they believe compromise animal’s rights. The European Union was forced to pull a stop smoking advert last year after objections for animal welfare groups, and car manufaturer Dodge also withdrew an advert which featured a chimpanzee after animal rights groups lodged complaints.

The Code of Practice on the Welfare of Privately Kept Non-Human Primates states that “primates used for entertainment and in the media are often removed from their social group and hand-reared, causing distress to the infant, mother and other members of the group.” The five charities have said they feel that, because the animals have been removed from their social group for the purposes of filming, Costa could be in contravention of three of the five needs as stated in the Animal Welfare Act.

Jim Slater, the marketing director of Costa Coffee vigourusly defended the adverts, insiting that “no compromise is made regarding animal welfare standards” in the adverts. “The monkeys were provided by a specialist organisation and have appeared in movies and on TV many times before.” Speaking to before the advert was launched, he added: “Costa is enjoying double-digit like-for-like sales growth, and we aim to continue this great momentum. Independent surveys consistently prove that coffee lovers prefer Costa, and this TV commercial will help us to explain the reasons why.”

UK Chancellor of the Exchequer makes 2005 Budget speech

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 2:28 am

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The United Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Right Honourable Gordon Brown PC MP, in a speech to the British House of Commons today presented his ninth Budget, what is very likely to be his last Budget before the next UK General Election. This opened the parliamentary debate on the 2005 Finance Bill, and was followed by responses from the opposition parties.

In a 48 minute long speech, the Chancellor presented a Budget of “tax cuts that are reasonable, spending that is affordable, and [economic] stability that is paramount”, that was “the prudent course for Britain”. There were few surprises that had not already been indicated in his 2004 pre-Budget report. The increase in the threshold on stamp duty was greater than that forecast by commentators, as was the amount of the Council Tax rebate to households with pensioners.


  • 1 The Budget in detail
    • 1.1 Duty
    • 1.2 Taxes
    • 1.3 Benefits
    • 1.4 Business
    • 1.5 Employment
    • 1.6 Savings
    • 1.7 Spending
    • 1.8 Memorials
  • 2 Responses from opposition parties
    • 2.1 Conservative
    • 2.2 Liberal Democrat
  • 3 Sources

Personal Loans For Bad Credit Borrowers Find Your Loan Fast!

Filed under: Loan Agreements — @ 2:21 am

By Jessica M Peterson

Do you have bad credit but are in need of a personal loan now to help you pay for everything from everyday living expenses in a bad economy to major appliances, and more? If so, you may be hesitant to apply for a personal loan because of your negligent credit history. However, there are many wonderful lending institutions that process loans for a specific group of borrowers, those with bad credit. And you can qualify fast.

What Is A Personal Loan?

A personal loan is a loan that is written out for a non-specific purpose. Most lenders do not ask you what purpose you have when you apply for a personal loan. That makes a personal loan perfect for lots of different needs that you may have. There are two types of personal loans: the unsecured personal loan and the secured personal loan. Let us look at these two types more closely so that you can determine which is best for your situation.

Unsecured Personal Loans For Bad Credit

The unsecured personal loan is a loan that is granted solely on the basis of your signature, and is therefore often referred to as a signature loan. Because the lending institution does not ask you to post or pledge collateral against the value of the loan, the lender is relying on your past payment history when judging your creditworthiness. Because of this, most bad credit borrowers may find it difficult to procure a bad credit loan. You can always improve your chances of getting an unsecured personal loan by asking someone who has better credit than you do to apply with you on your personal loan application. This person is known as a cosigner.


The unsecured personal loan is usually not the right type of loan for the bad credit borrower who does not have a cosigner. If you are approved for an unsecured personal loan with bad credit, be prepared to pay a greatly increased amount of interest in the form of a higher interest rate. This higher interest is assumed because of the greater risk that a lender takes when loaning money to someone who possesses a poor credit record. For those bad credit borrowers who have no collateral and are without the benefit of a willing cosigner, the higher interest is often justified to get the loan that they need.

Secured Personal Loans For Bad Credit

The easiest personal loan for those with damaged credit is the secured personal loan. The secured personal loan is a loan granted based on the borrower’s collateral. The lender will hold surety interest in the collateral that you pledge until you have satisfied the terms and conditions of the lending agreement and repaid them in full. The secured personal loan is the perfect loan for the bad credit borrower because it allows the borrower to rebuild their damaged credit file through monthly payments that fit the budget quite nicely.

Bad credit borrowers should borrow with caution, however; if your payments are late, your lender can force the sale of your collateral to recoup the amount of money extended to you. The interest is much more reasonable on bad credit secured personal loans, making them much more affordable than the unsecured version.

About the Author: Jessica Peterson is an

Bad Credit Unsecured Loan

Consultant with more than twenty years of experience. For more information about

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March 7, 2018

British Airways give medals to Flight 38’s crew

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 3:16 am

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The three members of the flight crew and thirteen members of British Airways Flight 38 have been awarded with the BA Safety Medal. The airline considers the award to be its highest accolade and has only awarded it three times before.

On January 17 the Boeing 777 airliner was on final approach to Heathrow Airport with 136 passengers on board when it suffered a loss of engine power. The plane crash landed immediately beyond the perimeter fence, just before the start of the runway.

British Airways say that due to the crew’s professionalism only minor injuries were sustained. The medals have been awarded for their handling of the accident.

Captain Peter Burkill, who was on board, said “It is a great privilege for us to receive the BA Safety Medal. We are extremely honoured to be added to the list of the very few people who have received this award. The training we undergo at British Airways is second to none. During the events of the 17 January these skills kicked in, as we did everything we could to ensure the safety of our passengers.”

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